Double shafting

From The Colonel's Website
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A clever concept whereby the shafter confuses the shaftee by implying that they might be shafted, thus forcing the shaftee to change their actions to avoid this. However, it turns out that the shaft is, in fact, designed to occur should the shaftee take steps to avoid being shafted. This happened to Amal in 5 Genoa. He found himself on the wrong side of a railing. Realising that there was a shafting in progress, he retraced his steps, only to realise that there was a gap in the railing further up so he would have been okay. He was thus forced to walk further than he would have done otherwise and the double shafting was complete.

The entire regiment were the victims of an ingenious double shaft during Mission 19 19 Valletta. Having failed to get off the bus at the Dingli Cliffs, they quickly jumped off in the centre of Dingli when the bus stopped at a junction. However, they later realised that the bus would have looped back to stop at the Bobbyland restaurant at the other end of the Dingli Cliffs. Fortunately, they did manage to shaft Robert from "Duty Free" in the process.