
From The Colonel's Website
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A glashtenmeid (old spelling - glashtonmead) is, broadly speaking, a sofa bed. A genuine glashtenmeid is a particular type of sofa bed that involves raising the seat section using cushions to make a rather uncomfortable bed for very short people. This type usually come with a supporting trundlemoid that is actually more comfortable than the glashtenmeid. Indeed, when Rupert was faced with the prospect of sleeping on one of these contraptions, he abandoned both the glashtenmeid and the supporting trundlemoid and made himself a grogatron, which he found far more comfortable.

The glashtenmeids that are owned by Mike and David and are usually used by one or the other at the start of a Colonel's Break are of the more traditional (and more comfortable) variety of sofa bed.

It may be that glashtenmeid, trundlemoid and grogatron are early examples of the well-known -imede, -atroid and -atron endings, but whether this is true is lost in the mists of time.