Thingvellir National Park

From The Colonel's Website
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Þingvellir National Park is a park in Iceland, several miles outside Reykjavik. The Colonel's Regiment drove there during mission 13. It is the site of the original AlÞing, or parliament, which was established around 930A.D. Many Icelandic chieftains came here for the original AlÞing and debated many issues.

During the year 1000, Þorgeirr Þorkelsson Ljósvetningagoði, a pagan priest, walked from Akureyri to the AlÞing, to debate whether Iceland should adopt Christianity. On the way back, he stopped off at Godafoss and chucked all of his pagan stuff into the waterfall.

The Colonel's Regiment did a very enjoyable walk in Þingvellir. They followed a line of grignaks out to a prehistoric farm, crossing several rivers, the infamous chasm of coins and many deep ravines caused by continental drift. After stopping off at the visitor's centre to purchase some food and some Mix, the Colonel's Regiment headed back to the car. Unfortunately, they took a wrong turn and followed a disused trail into a deep canyon. After much scrambling over rocks and slipping and sliding on ice, they eventually made it out and discovered the real trail about two yards away, the other side of the ravine.