Castle Arrghh

From The Colonel's Website
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The Castle Arrghh is the site of the mythical Holy Grail, according to the feature film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The Knights of the Round table devoted their lives to hunting down the final resting place of the grail. Having found an inscription on a wall which said that the final resting place of the Holy Grail was in the Castle Arrghh, they first thought that the guy who wrote it must have died whilst carving it. King Arthur then pointed out that if he died he wouldn't bother to carve "Arrghh", he'd just say it. Galahad suggested that he might have been dictating, but this was also dismissed as stupidity. After suggesting that he might have meant St Avveess or the Camarrghhhe, they eventually found the Castle Arrghh across the bridge of death.

The Colonel's Regiment found what they believed to be the Castle Arrghh on a hill across the water from 8 Oslo castle. They suggested an excursion to visit it and perhaps claim the Holy Grail for themselves, but couldn't find out how to get there. On the final day in 8 Oslo, they discovered that what they thought was the Castle Arrghh bore a strong resemblance to a prison and realised that it may not be the Castle Arrghh after all.